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This function allows you to create a full pseudo-bulk RNAseq dataset. You need to provide a SummarizedExperiment from which the cells will be sampled for the simulation. Also a scenario has to be selected, where you can choose how the cells will be sampled and a scaling_factor on how the read counts will be transformed proir to the simulation.


  scenario = c("even", "random", "mirror_db", "weighted", "pure", "custom"),
  scaling_factor = c("NONE", "census", "spike_in", "custom", "read_number",
    "expressed_genes", "annotation_column", "epic", "abis", "quantiseq"),
  scaling_factor_single_cell = TRUE,
  weighted_cell_type = NULL,
  weighted_amount = NULL,
  pure_cell_type = NULL,
  custom_scenario_data = NULL,
  custom_scaling_vector = NULL,
  balance_even_mirror_scenario = 0.01,
  remove_bias_in_counts = FALSE,
  remove_bias_in_counts_method = "read-number",
  norm_counts = FALSE,
  nsamples = 100,
  ncells = 1000,
  total_read_counts = NULL,
  whitelist = NULL,
  blacklist = NULL,
  BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(),
  run_parallel = FALSE



(mandatory) SummarizedExperiment object


(mandatory) select on of the pre-defined cell-type fraction scenarios; possible are: even,random,mirror_db,pure,weighted; you can also use the custom scenario, where you need to set the custom_scenario_data parameter.


(mandatory) name of scaling factor; possible are: census, spike_in, read_number, expressed_genes, custom, epic, abis, quantiseq or NONE for no scaling factor


boolean: decide if a scaling value for each single cell is calculated (default) or the median of all scaling values for each cell type is calculated


name of cell-type used for weighted scenario


fraction of cell-type used for weighted scenario; must be between 0 and 0.99


name of cell-type for pure scenario


dataframe; needs to be of size nsamples x number_of_cell_types, where each sample is a row and each entry is the cell-type fraction. Rows need to sum up to 1.


named vector with custom scaling values for cell-types. Cell-types that do not occur in this vector but are present in the dataset will be set to 1; mandatory for custom scaling factor


balancing value for the uniform and mirror_db scenarios: increasing it will result in more diverse simulated fractions. To get the same fractions in each sample, set to 0. Default is 0.01.


boolean; if TRUE the internal mRNA bias that is present in count data will be removed using the number of reads mapped to each cell. Default to FALSE


'read-number' (default) or 'gene-number'; method with which the mRNA bias in counts will be removed


boolean; if TRUE the samples simulated with counts will be normalized to CPMs, default is FALSE


numeric; number of samples in pseudo-bulk RNAseq dataset (default = 100)


numeric; number of cells in each dataset (default = 1000)


numeric; sets the total read count value for each sample


list; give a list of cell-types you want to keep for the simulation; if NULL, all are used


list; give a list of cell-types you want to remove for the simulation; if NULL, all are used; is applied after whitelist


BiocParallel::bpparam() by default; if specific number of threads x want to be used, insert: BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = x)


boolean, decide if multi-threaded calculation will be run. FALSE by default


named list; bulk a SummarizedExperiment object, where the assays store the simulated bulk RNAseq datasets. Can hold either one or two assays, depending on how many matrices were present in the dataset cell-fractions is a dataframe with the simulated cell-fractions per sample; scaling_vector scaling value for each cell in dataset


# generate sample single-cell data to work with:

counts <- Matrix::Matrix(matrix(stats::rpois(3e5, 5), ncol = 300), sparse = TRUE)
tpm <- Matrix::Matrix(matrix(stats::rpois(3e5, 5), ncol = 300), sparse = TRUE)
tpm <- Matrix::t(1e6 * Matrix::t(tpm) / Matrix::colSums(tpm))

colnames(counts) <- paste0("cell_", rep(1:300))
colnames(tpm) <- paste0("cell_", rep(1:300))
rownames(counts) <- paste0("gene_", rep(1:1000))
rownames(tpm) <- paste0("gene_", rep(1:1000))

annotation <- data.frame(
  "ID" = paste0("cell_", rep(1:300)),
  "cell_type" = c(
    rep("T cells CD4", 50),
    rep("T cells CD8", 50),
    rep("Macrophages", 100),
    rep("NK cells", 10),
    rep("B cells", 70),
    rep("Monocytes", 20)

dataset <- SimBu::dataset(
  annotation = annotation,
  count_matrix = counts,
  tpm_matrix = tpm,
  name = "test_dataset"

# this creates a basic pseudo-bulk dataset with uniform cell-type distribution
# and no additional transformation of the data with 10 samples and 2000 cells each

s <- SimBu::simulate_bulk(dataset,
  scenario = "even",
  scaling_factor = "NONE",
  nsamples = 10,
  ncells = 100

# use a blacklist to exclude certain cell-types for the simulation
s <- SimBu::simulate_bulk(dataset,
  scenario = "even",
  scaling_factor = "NONE",
  nsamples = 10,
  ncells = 2000,
  blacklist = c("Monocytes", "Macrophages")

# use the pure scenario to only have B cells
s <- SimBu::simulate_bulk(dataset,
  scenario = "pure",
  scaling_factor = "NONE",
  nsamples = 10,
  ncells = 100,
  pure_cell_type = "B cells"

# simulate a dataset with custom cell-type fraction for each of the 3 samples
fractions <- data.frame(
  "B cells" = c(0.2, 0.4, 0.2),
  "T cells CD4" = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.1),
  "Macrophages" = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.7), check.names = FALSE
s <- SimBu::simulate_bulk(dataset,
  scenario = "custom",
  scaling_factor = "NONE",
  nsamples = 3,
  ncells = 2000,
  custom_scenario_data = fractions